In previous posts we have discussed a few paradoxical situations with regard to climate change. The posts include:
Tipping Points,
The Law of Unintended Consequences, and
In this post we consider some apparently paradoxical statements with regard to renewable energy sources.
Phrases such as ‘Renewable energy sources are replacing fossil fuels’ are often used when discussing climate change. However, it is important to distinguish between absolute and relative growth. It is true that energy supplied by renewables is growing at a faster relative rate than that supplied by fossil fuels (coal, natural gas and oil). But our use of fossil fuels is also growing ― renewables are not replacing them. Indeed, at least until recently, the fossil fuels were growing faster in absolute terms.
If renewables were actually replacing fossil fuels, we would expect to see CO2 emissions to decline. In fact, they are steadily rising, as we see in the chart.