The COPs
A theme of this site is that climate change leadership will be provided by businesses, not necessarily because they want to “do the right thing”, but because they want to be commercially successful and because they want to avoid their own “Kodak Moment”.
With this thought in mind, we have started a series of subscription-based posts on the ‘Net Zero by 2050’ theme. Our aim is to describe both the realities and the opportunities of our rapidly changing world.
The first post in this series is Climate Change COPs (Conferences of the Parties). The post explains what a COP is, and what 30 years of COPs have achieved (unfortunately, not a lot). The post is organized as follows,
International Conventions and COPs
The Climate Change COPs
The Kyoto Protocol
COP 21 Paris — Peak Optimism
Net Zero by 2050
COP 26 Glasgow — Reality
COP 27 Sharm El-Sheikh — Discouragement
The Business Opportunity
Posts that we have already published on this general theme include: