1.5 Degrees in Richmond
One of the themes of this site is to do with the lack of communication. A tiny number of people understand our Age of Limits dilemmas. A few more people are aware of these issues, but do not grasp their importance. But most people pay no attention at all. Therefore, it is always interesting to see what the mainstream media has to say (and how they say it).
I live in central Virginia — close to the Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy. Our local newspaper — the Richmond Times-Dispatch — publishes a detailed weather forecast every day. The clipping shown above is taken from today’s paper (June 2nd 2022). It says that average temperatures in this area have increased by just under 3°F (about 1.5°C) over the course of the last 50 years. That’s a small increase when compared to what is taking place in other parts of the world such as India and Pakistan. Nevertheless, it suggests that the 1.5°C target touted by the Paris Agreement is already behind us.